a view of dam with gate

Supporting the CVP

The specific purposes of the Central Valley Project Water Association (CVPWA) are:

a. Secure the objective and the benefits of the Central Valley Project.

b. Conduct education and information programs among the people and agencies of the State of California and federal government, and their representatives in the State Legislature and Congress, regarding water supply, water quality, drainage, water distribution and drainage facilities, power, environmental, and other subjects affecting the Central Valley Project services areas.

c. Continue efforts to obtain balanced and equitable development, conservation, distribution, and utilization of California’s water resources considering economic, environmental, and other factors.

d. Encourage full cooperation between the Central Valley Project, the California State Water Project, and other water projects with particular emphasis on operational coordination.
e. Promote common, consistent, and equitable administration of contracts and contracting procedures of the Central Valley Project, considering the negotiations, rights, and commitments of members.

f. Conduct studies and audits pertaining to the Central Valley Project including, but not limited to, review of the allocation to the respective Central Valley Project functions and capital additions and operation and maintenance expenditures and its operation by an entity or entities other than the Bureau of Reclamation.

g. Engage in any lawful activity which may further the common interests of its membership with respect to the Central Valley Project.

Contact Us

Sacramento, CA

(916) 448-1638